Supply Chain Policy – Grievance Mechanism

Grievance process for concerns relating to the diamond supply chain of Taché
Taché’s grievance procedure is designed to allow stakeholders to report concerns about circumstances in the supply chain involving diamonds from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
Concerns can be raised by interested parties via email or telephone to:

Contact :

Telephone: +32 3 234 18 18

Our grievance approach takes note of and will follow to the best intent possible the grievance mechanism established by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) (version 2, November 2017), which is available on the RMI website: risk-management/grievance-mechanism.

A summary of Taché’s approach is as follows:

  1. On receiving a report, we will aim to get an accurate report of the grievance or complaint. We will explain our grievance procedure to the individual making the complaint and find out how the complainant would like it to be addressed or resolved. Our approach allows for anonymous reporting of concerns or incidents. Taché undertakes to protect reporting parties from retaliation and will treat all reports in a confidential and sensitive manner.
  2. We will assess the eligibility of the complaint and, where applicable, decide who should handle it internally. In cases where we are unable to address the complaint internally (e.g. where our company is too far removed from the origin of the issue raised in the complaint), we may redirect it to a more appropriate entity or institution, such as the relevant supplier or industry body.
  3. Where the issue can be handled internally, we will seek further information where possible and appropriate, and identify any actions we should take including hearing from all parties concerned, and monitoring the situation.
  4. We will advise the complainant of our decisions or outcomes. Records of complaints received, the internal process followed and outcomes will be kept for at least five years.